Functional Behavioral Assessment

What is a "Functional Behavioral Assessment" (FBA)?

The term "Functional Behavioral Assessment" comes from what is called a "Functional Assessment" or "Functional Analysis" in the field of applied behavior analysis. This is the process of determining the cause (or "function") of behavior before developing an intervention. The intervention must be based on the hypothesized cause (function) of behavior.

School districts are now required to conduct functional behavioral analyses of problem behaviors, under certain circumstances.

Here are some examples of the questions you would want answers to from a FBA:

Click on the titles below to view the articles about Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA):

Wrightlaws article on "What, Why, When, Where, and Who?"
by Stephen Starin, Ph.D.

Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice (CECP),
information on Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA), includes three parts: 

Part I - An IEP Team’s Introduction To Functional Behavioral Assessment & Behavior Intervention Plans

Part II - Conducting a Functional Behavioral Assessment
Part III - Creating Positive Behavioral Intervention Plans and Supports.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), article on Preparing for an FBA Meeting What Should I Bring?
by Terry Scott, Ph.D.

School Behavior articles, samples of charts, and forms that can be used for conducting an FBA, by Leslie E. Paker, Ph.D.  new tag

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Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP) may also be refer to as a Behavior Management Plan (BMP), or a Behavior Management Invention (BMI).  To view a sample of a elementry students Behavior Management Plan (BMP), click here.

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One of our original webpages, created September 10, 2002, by Melody Orfei
Webpage last modified on August 1, 2007 - V6, by Melody Orfei