The Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery - Revised (WJ-R)
WJ_R has a total of 35 subtests, made up of Cognitive Battery, Achievement Battery and Supplement Battery of Achievement:
Cognitive Battery (21 subtests)
1. Memory for names (word)
2. Memory sentence
3. Visual Matching
4. Incomplete word
5. Visual Closure
6. Picture Vocabulary
7. Analysis-Synthesis
8. Visual-Auditory Learning
9. Memory for Words
10. Crossout
11. Sound Blending
12. Picture Recognition
13. Oral Vocabulary
14. Concept Formation
15. Delayed Memory for Names
16. Delayed Visual-Auditory Learning
17. Number Reversed
18. Sound patterns
19. Spatial Relations
20. Listening Comprehension
21. Verbal analogies
Achievement Battery (9 subtest)
22. Letter-word Identification
23. Passage Comprehension
24. Calculation
25. Applied Problems
26. Dictation
27. Writing sample
28. Science
29. Soc. Studies
30. Humanities
Supplement Battery of Achievement (5)
31. Word Attack
32. Reading Vocabulary
33. Quantitative Concept
34. Proofing
35. Writing Fluency
What subtests
make up WJ-R the seven cluster scores?
Retrieval (Glr): The ability
to sore information and fluently retrieve it later associations.
1. Memory for
Names (MFN)
8. Visual-Auditory
Learning (VAL)
15. Delayed-MFN (D-MFN)
16. Delayed-VAL (D-VAL)
Term Memory (Gsm): Hold
information immediate and within few seconds.
2. Memory for
Sentences (MFS)
9. Memory for
Words (MFW)
17. Numbers Reversed (NRev)
Speed (Gps): The ability to rapidly perform automatic cognitive task
particularly when under pressure to maintain focused attention.
3. Visual Matching (VM)
10. Cross Out (CO)
Processing (Ga): The ability to analyze and synthesize auditory stimuli.
4. Incomplete
Words (IncW)
11. Sound Blending (SBld)
18. Sound Patterns (SPatt)
Processing (Gv): The ability to analyze and synthesize verbal stimuli.
5. Visual Closure (VCl)
12. Picture Recognition (PRec)
Knowledge (Gc): (Especially verbally) Depth of knowledge, ability to
communicate and reason previous learned procedures.
6. Picture
Vocabulary (PV)
13. Oral Vocabulary (OV)
20. Listening Comprehension (LC)
Reasoning (Gf): The ability to reason, form concepts and solve problems using
unfamiliar information.
7. Analysis
& Synthesis (A/S)
14. Concept Formation (CF)
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Last updated December
2002 By Melody Orfei |