Concord Special
Education Parent Advisory Committee
Welcome to Concord SPED PAC
Member's Recommend Books
Selected books of interest, recommended by Special Educational parents.
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This page includes recommend books on Advocacy, IEP
Refences, Negotiating
and Comproming,
Parenting Difficult & Defiant Children, Sexuality Education, and Book Suppliers -click on the topic, to take you to that place on the page.
Books on
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For books on disabilities, click here
Page Index
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Special Educator's Comprehensive Guide to 301 Diagnostic Tests
by Roger Ph.D. Pierangelo,
George Psy.D. Giuliani (2006) |
on cover to order

504 pages
Jossey-Bass Rev&Expand edition
Newly updated and expanded,
' The Special Educator's Resource Guide to 109 Diagnostic Tests. The
authors changed the title of the book when they created the updated
edition to: 'The Special Educator's Comprehensive Guide to 301 Diagnostic
Tests', copyright 2006, The new edition contains the newest version WISC
(WISC-IV) as well as other updated achievement tests (WJ-III, WIAT-II, etc.)
reading tests (GORT-4, CTOPP, etc.) and added more assessments
descriptions. Designed as an easy-to-use, hands-on resource, the book is filled with practical tools,
and suggestions. Step-by-step, this practical guide explores the
various stages of evaluation, interpretation, diagnosis, prescription, and
remediation. Several advocates have reported their disappointment with the level of detail
in this verison of the book. The description of the tests
vague and too general. It does
not have a list of
the subtests with a difinitions of each,
scoring, and diagnostic patterns. You can find more information
about each test on the internet. |
Educator's : Complete Guide to
109 Diagnostic Tests
by Roger, Ph.D. Pierangelo,
George A. Giuliani, George Giuliani (1989)
352 pages
Center for
Applied Research
in Education |
book is currently, out-of-date, please see book listed above, for the
new and expanded version.)
For anyone involved in
the special education process, here is a comprehensive practical guide
to the most frequently used and helpful tests for diagnosing suspected
disabilities of all kinds - intellectual, perceptual, language,
achievement, psychosocial and social maturity - from the early
childhood years through adolescence. Included is detailed information
on the make-up and purpose of each of the 109 different tests,
including subtests, scoring, diagnostic patterns if any, and specific
strengths and weaknesses, all conveniently organized into the following
Wechsler Scales of
Intelligence (WISC-III) - Intellectual Assessment Measures, Achievement
(WJ-R, WIAT), Measures Perceptual Measures Language, Psychological
& Social, and
Adaptive Measures Early Childhood, Hearing Impaired, Occupational &
Physical Therapy, and Bilingual Tests.
As the authors point
"With the proper tests and their proper interpretation, many problems
exhibited by students with special needs can be more rapidly and
appropriately addressed. As with any event, early diagnosis and
intervention can mean all the difference in an individual's life.
Talk about Psychological Testing for Kids
by Ellen Braaten, Ph. D. and
Gretchen Felopulos, Ph. D.
Click on cover to
260 pages
Guilford Press
This book gives parents the inside scoop on
how psychological testing works and how to use testing to get the best
help for their child. Child psychology experts Drs. Braaten and
Felopulos spell out the entire process of testing for dyslexia, ADHD,
math and reading disorders, Asperger syndrome, depression, anxiety, and
other common childhood problems. Parents learn what different tests
actually measure and how to "crack the code" of jargon-filled reports,
numerical scores, and educational recommendations. Also discussed are
key qualifications to look for in evaluators, what kinds of testing
schools are required to provide, and when to consider paying for
private testing instead. Comprehensive and accessible, the book
includes tips on making testing less stressful for children and loads
of resources, FAQs, and examples. Dr. Braaten and Dr. Felopulos Presented to
one our local PAC's on May
4, 2004 in Linclon.
Talk about
Psychiatric Medications for Kids
by Timothy E. Wilens (2002)
Click on cover to

280 pages
Guilford Press
book is an excellent source of information about medication
It can be overwhelming and confusing to try and figure out which drug
is best for a particular child with a special condition. This book
explores all sorts of psychiatric drugs for conditions ranging from
Attention Deficit Disorder to depression, bipolar disorder, etc. Each
section is clear and each medication is discussed fully, including
possible side effects. If you have questions that your doctor(s)
answered about certain medications this book can help.
Emotions to Advocacy - The Special Education Survival Guide
by Peter W. D. Wright and
Pamela Darr Wright (2001) |
Click on cover to
lay-flat binding
400 pages
Edition 1
Harbor House Law |
Wrightslaw's: From Emotions to
Advocacy, Pete and Pam Wright teach you how to plan, prepare, organize
-- and get quality special education services. In this comprehensive,
easy-to-read book, you learn about:
- Your child's disability and
educational needs
- Creating a simple method for
organizing your child's file
- Devising a master plan for your
child's special education
- Roles of experts: consultants and
- Writing SMART IEP goals and
- Using test scores to monitor your
child's progress
- Understanding parent-school
conflict - why it is inevitable and how to resolve it
- Creating paper trails; writing
effective letters
- Using worksheets, agendas and
thank-you letters
- Strategies to improve meeting
- Negotiating for special education
This practical user-friendly book includes hundreds of
strategies, tips, references, warnings, and Internet resources.
Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy includes dozens of worksheets,
forms, and sample letters that you can tailor to your needs.
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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law
by Peter W.D. Wright and
Pamela Darr Wright (2007) |
Click on cover to
lay-flat binding
446 pages
Edition 2
Harbor House Law Press
Special Education Law, 2nd Edition, is an essential tool for
anyone who wants to advocate for a child with a disability. With this
book, parents, educators, attorneys, and advocates can find the answers
to questions about the newly updated Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act
2004 (IDEA-2004) Federal law and Federal Regulations along with
Wright analysis and commentary. The update book includes federal
law; No
Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the McKinney-Vento
Homeless Act. It has States Code,
Supreme Court Case Decisions, and a comprehensive index. |
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The Complete IEP Guide : How to
Advocate for Your Special
Ed. Child
by Lawrence M. Siegel,
Marcia Stewart (2007) |
Click on cover to

402 pages
Edition 5
Nolo Press |
A blueprint for a
successful IEP. The guide provides instructions, suggestions,
strategies, resources, sample letters and helpful forms. This is
an easy to read book. The whole IEP process is clearly
explained. This is a great reference book for parents
and will help us to become effective advocates for our children.
It has over 20 sample letters and forms to use. In the appendix
it has a copy both of the special educaiton federal law and federal
regulations (IDEA 2004). Along with a copy of the Section 504
law. |
How Well Does Your IEP Measure Up?
Indicators for Effective Service Delivery
by Diane Twachtman-Cullen
& Jennifer Twachtman-Reilly |
Click on cover to

272 pages
Edition 1
Starfish Press
ISBN: 0966652924 |
This is an excellent
reference book, it has a step-by-step guide to writing IEPs.
Contains sample goals & objectives and easy-to-use, "how-to"
templates for translating them into educational action. Radically
different from other IEP manuals, this one comes complete with
recommended teaching strategies and resources. They have shown how to
combine the theory to the practical in IEP development
specifically for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. |
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Writing Measurable IEP Goals and
by Barbara D. Bateman, Cynthia M. Herr
(2003) |
Click on cover to order

136 pages
Attainment Company, Inc.
A guide to quick and
effective writing of accurate and measurable IEP goals and objectives.
IEPs are necessary, required by law and when done properly can be
extremely helpful in guiding the student's educational trajectory. This
book, written by two of the foremost special educators and IEP legal
experts is designed to bring you up to speed whether you're just
entering the field or have worked in it for years.
Barbara Bateman, Ph.D., J.D. is a nationally recognized expert in
special education and in special education law.
Dr. Herr is an assistant professor and Research Associate in the
Department of Special Education at the University of Oregon and has
been in the field of special education for 30 years.
Better IEPs: How
to Develop Legally Correct and Educationally Useful Programs
by Barbara D. Bateman, Mary
Anne Linden (2006)  |
Click on cover to

248 pages
4th edition
Sopris West, Inc.
A guide to quick and
effective writing of accurate and measurable IEP goals and objectives.
IEPs are necessary, required by law and when done properly can be
extremely helpful in guiding the student's educational trajectory. This
book, written by two of the foremost special educators and IEP legal
experts is designed to bring you up to speed whether you're just
entering the field or have worked in it for years.
Develop Legally Correct
and Educationally Useful Programs. This is the definitive guide
to understanding and rating Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).
presents a powerful, three-step process that focuses on the individual
student and avoids the all too common routinized approach to program
The fourth edition has been completely updated and revised.
the IDEA 2004, more examples of IEPs, and complete
for how to and how not to develop IEPs which will be educationally
Preparing Instructional Objectives :
A Critical
Tool in the Development of Effective Instruction
by Robert F. Mager
(1997) |
Click on cover to
193 pages
3rd edition
Center for Effective
1879618036 |
Preparing Instructional
Objectives is your systematic guide to identifying, selecting, and
well-stated objectives that create the foundation necessary to reach
instructional goals. The book will help you master the essential
of writing a well-stated objective, including how to describe
you expect to achieve, identify the conditions under which you expect
performance to occur, and set criteria for acceptable performance. |
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Instructional Results
by Robert F.
Mager (2000) |
Click on cover to
186 pages
3rd edition
Center for Effective
1879618168 |
How can you know if
your students have learned what you set out to teach them? Measuring
the results of instruction and determining if your objectives have been
achieved is the only way. In clear, jargon-free language, Robert
Mager's popular and easy-to-read book shows you how to develop the
tools you need to measure instructional results and demonstrate the
value of your training.
Regardless of how eloquent an instructor is or how clever
the instructional procedures are, instruction is of little value unless
its objectives are achieved. That is, unless students depart the
instruction able to perform at least as well as the objectives require.
This book is therefore designed to provide you with the tools you need
to measure instructional success. |
Getting to Yes: Negotiating
Agreement Without Giving In
by Roger Fisher, William
Ury, Bruce Patton (1991) |
Click on cover to
200 pages
2nd edition
0140157352 |
This book on
negotiation is a fast read. It has a step-by-step, proven
strategy for coming to
mutually acceptable agreements in every sort of conflict. This
is on the national bestseller and Peter Wrightlaw has recommend in
several of his articles. The main ideas of the book are that
positional negotiation is pointless, and that our negotiations should
focus on interests rather than positions. Negotiation is a simple
matter of figuring out what you really want, what the other side wants,
and working out the space where those
interests intersect, that is despite all the generalizations,
deletions, and distortions the other side might use to confuse you. One
important point
is to remember to "separate the people from the problem." Getting to
proposes that problems exist objectively and can be analyzed on their
merits, independent of people's perceptions, attributions, and
If you can't separate the two, you need to work on both the problem and
the people. The skills you really need to extract and understand
perceived interests. |
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How To Compromise With
Your School District Without
Compromising Your Child: A Field Guide For Getting Effective Services
For Children With Special Needs
Gary Mayerson
(2004)  |
Click on cover to

150 pages
2nd edition
Drl Books Inc.
The guide that every parent must have! Gary Mayerson has
devoted his
career in law to helping children get the fair and
appropriate education that they need and deserve. In this field guide,
he brings parents up to speed quickly and efficiently on the ways
educational bureaucracies work or more importantly, don't —for
with special needs. In addition to providing inside information on the
"must-do’s" and "must don'ts" in advocating for your child in the
educational system, there are also strategies on how to prepare for an
IEP meeting, what to do when children don't get crucial services, and
how to avoid due process. Armed with solid information, parents will be
empowered with all of the tools they need to advocate for their child's
education. The practical and straightforward approaches presented in
this must-have guide are not only applicable to children with autism
spectrum disorders, but to children with any disability. |
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purchase a book, click on the cover of the book this will take you
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Parenting Difficult & Defiant Children
Why Johnny Doesn't Behave: Twenty Tips for
Measurable BIPs
by Barbara D. Bateman, Annemieke Golly
(2003) |
Click on cover to order

122 pages
Attainment Company, Inc.
This book focuses on 20 concrete "tips" to help you avoid
behavioral problems, including: Making clear classroom expectations;
directly teaching expectations; minimizing attention for minor
inappropriate behaviors and paying attention to behavior you want to
encourage. The second section is dedicated to Functional Behavior
Assessments (FBAs) and Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIPs, so you can
learn how to write your own).
About the Author
Barbara Bateman, Ph.D., J.D. is a nationally recognized expert in
special education and in special education law.
Annemieke Golly, Ph.D., is a certified special education teacher and
has taught children with behavior and conduct disorders for the past 25
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The Explosive Child : A New
Approach for Understanding and
Parenting Easily Frustrated, 'Chronically Inflexible' Children
by Ross Green (1998) |
Click on cover to
342 pages
Edition 1
0060175346 |
This book helps to
prioritizing goals, how to teach the child negotiation skills, adjust
to disappointment, and handling frustration. Gives good advice on
how to reduce frustration in the child's environment, so explosive
episodes are less likely to occur. Actual dialogue and scenarios from
therapy sessions are used to illustrate these methods. |
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P E T : Parent Effectiveness Training
by Thomas Gordon (1990) |
Click on cover to
352 pages
Re edition
New American
Library Trade
0452264618 |
Parent Effectiveness
Training is a proven method to bring parents and their children
together and to show parents how to help their children become mature,
healthy, happy, and loving individuals. Hundreds of thousands of
parents have completed Dr. Thomas Gordon's P.E.T. training course with
tangible results. The system is designed to work with children of all
ages, from the very young up through the rebellious adolescent years.
In P.E.T. Gordon gives examples of families who have succeeded
and explains all the steps necessary for less fighting, fewer tantrums,
and closer and more trusting relationships. |
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1-2-3 Magic
by Thomas W. Phelan (1996) |
Click on cover to
175 pages
2nd Rev edition
Child Management
0963386190 |
1-2-3 Magic addresses
the difficult task of child discipline ages 1-12. From handing up and
out in the morning routine, arguing to avoiding self-defeating
syndromes and reactions, this book covers everything from home to
public behavior, providing parents with plenty of solid tips which
work. |
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Raising Cain : Protecting the Emotional
Life of Boys
by Daniel J. Kindlon,
Michael Thompson, Dan Kindlon, Dan Kindion, Teresa Barker (1999)
Click on cover to
287 pages
Ballantine Books
0345424573 |
Dan Kindlon, Ph.D., and
Michael Thompson, Ph.D., two of the country's leading child
share what they have learned in more than thirty-five years of combined
experience working with boys and their families. They reveal a nation
boys who are hurting--sad, afraid, angry, and silent. Statistics
point to an alarming number of young boys at high risk for suicide,
and drug abuse, violence and loneliness. Kindlon and Thompson set out
answer this basic, crucial question: What do boys need that they're not
getting? They illuminate the forces that threaten our boys, teaching
to believe that "cool" equals macho strength and stoicism. Cutting
outdated theories of "mother blame," "boy biology," and "testosterone,"
Kindlon and Thompson shed light on the destructive emotional
our boys receive--the emotional miseducation of boys.
Kindlon and Thompson
a compelling case that emotional literacy is the most valuable gift we
offer our sons, urging parents to recognize the price boys pay
we hold them to an impossible standard of manhood. They identify
social and emotional challenges that boys encounter in school and show
parents can help boys cultivate emotional awareness and by--giving them
vital connections and support they need to navigate the social
of youth.
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Ophelia : Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls
by Mary Bray Pipher
Click on cover to
304 pages
Reissue edition
Ballantine Books
0345392825 |
The stunning success of
Reviving Ophelia, Mary Pipher's landmark book, showed
a true and pressing need to address the emotional lives of girls. (Need
more input on this book) |
Sexuality education section
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From Diapers to Dating: A Parent's Guide to
Raising Sexually Healthy Children (2000)
Debra W. Haffner and Alyssa Haffner Tartaglione
Click on cover to
240 pages
This book
addresses all the complex aspects of guiding your child's sexual
education and development. With practical experience and professional
expertise, the book addressees the tough situations of everyday
parenting and
provides useful advice for those anticipating how they will discuss
sexuality with their children. Whether we like it or not, all children
have questions about sexuality. This book prepares parents to
those questions honestly and in ways that will help children grow into
healthy adults. This book provides advice on teaching
children the proper names for all parts of their bodies to how to
explain how babies are conceived to
helping prepare for puberty.
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The Care & Keeping of You: The Body Book for
Girls (American Girl Library) (1998)
Valorie Schaefer, Norm Bendell
Click on cover to
104 pages
American Girl
A preteen
girl's guide to basic health and hygiene--from braces to bras, pimples
to periods, hair care to healthy eating. This
"head-to-toe" guide answers all your questions, from hair care to
healthy eating, bad breath to bras, periods to pimples, and everything
in between. With tips, how-to's, letters from girls, and facts from the
experts, here's straightforward advice you can really use.
Reading level ages 9-12. |
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books on
disabilities, click here

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Supplier of Books
A.D.D. WareHouse
300 Northwest 70th Avenue, Suite
Plantation, FL 33317
FAX 954-792-8545
A leading resource for the
understanding and treatment of all developmental disorders. They
carry most of the books we have listed on this page.
Educators Publishing Service
31 Smith Place
Cambridge, MA 02138
Large supply of tutoring
materials in reading, phonics, math, etc.
(They no longer have a store you
can visit.)
All the best authors in the
field. A wonderful resource for parents and teachers.
video: "Gifts of Greatness"
people who have overcame dyslexia.
Lingui Systems, Inc.
3100 4th Avenue
East Moline, IL 61244-9700
Another wonderful source of
manuals, tutoring materials and games.
In the area of speech &
language, reading, Phonological Awareness, phonics, and study
skills. The have a wonderful group of books they call "The Source
for . . . (NLD, Apraxia, Down Syndrome, Aphasia Therapy, Dyslexia,
etc.)", these books describe
common characteristics. They have examples of children with the
disability or condition and recommendations. Most have profiles,
charts and
have of useful information.
LD Resources (used to be Poor Richard's Publishing)
Has lots of articles and personal
stories on learning disabilities and educational issues.
National Professional Resources, Inc. (NPR), publishes and distributes books for staff
development in the field of education, they produces their own videos
DVDs in the latest educational topics.
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