What's New on our website?
The following is a list of the changes to our web site, since July 2001 (latest month listed first).
Copy of Sept09 - Aug09 needs updating
August, 2010
July, 2010
- Added Page Index to the Doctors web page.
- Update links on "How do I get ready for my child's Team meeting?" webpage.
- Updated the format and graphics on WISC-III webpage.
- Update the IQ Score table to include 80-85 and below 50 Full Scale IQ (FIQ), on the IQ Scores webpage.
- Created a webpage "Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Test: WPPSI-III" and added a link to the Type of Evaluation webpage.
- Added "Withdrawal of consent for special education and related services" to the Law webpage.
June, 2010
May, 2010
- Added Team Meeting note form in printable format on the Parent Team Meeting Notes web page.
- Added the ratios to Carroll and Landmark school on the our Specialized Schools web page.
- Updated the Executive Function webpage, with the information from Minuteman presentation on 8 Pillers of Executive Function information: "Building the Eight Pillars of Capable Young Minds", Presented Dr. Adam Cox, Psychologist and added a link to his book.
- Updated the index on the Disabilities books page to include a 3rd Executive Function book: 'No Mind Left Behind: Understanding and Fostering Executive Control-The Eight Essential Brain Skills Every Child Needs to Thrive'.
April, 2010
March, 2010
February, 2010
- Added the "Site down" icon to the Acton SPED PAC and Sudbury SSEAC description on our PACs in Mass web page.
- Updated the link to the "Pop-up IEP" website on the Parent Team Meeting Notes web page.
January, 2010
- Updated Concord Schools webpage with our school district new domain name.
- Added new section to the homepage, under Professional Help, added Behaviorist.
- Updated our PAC Calendar webpage with Minuteman presentation on 8 Pillers of Executive Function information: "Building the Eight Pillars of Capable Young Minds", Presented Dr. Adam Cox, Psychologist.
- Added another Wrights Law article, titled "Key Differences Between Section 504 and IDEA, by Pat Howey" our on our 504 web page.
- Added the November approved Meeting Minutes from PAC board meeting with our Special Education Director.
- Updated the link to the expanded and redesigned website of the Quincy PAC on our PACs in Mass web page.
- Added a link to the new MA DOE, Technical Assistance Advisory SPED 2009-2, dated January 7, 2009, on "Observation of Education Programs by Parents and Their Designees for Evaluation Purposes" to the DOE documents web page and our homepage.
- Updated the Learning books page with No Mind Left Behind: Understanding and Fostering Executive Control, by Dr. Adam Cox.
- Added a link to the Federation for Children with Special Needs (FSCN) IEP Writing Guide, added the titles to the "Resources" lsit and "Articles" listed, along with images for Word documents and PDF files on Reviewing your IEP web page.
- Updated Summit Academy school phone number on our Specialized Schools web page.
- Updated the Evaluators web page, with new Intake person, phone number, and second location address. Updated the CEC statement.
- Move the list of Behaviorist that was located on the Evaluators web page and combined the with the Behaviorist web page.
- Add a link to the Evaluators web page, to refer back to the Behaviorist web page.
- Updated the Behaviorist web page with all the Behaviorist listed undate information from the Evaluators including Mariela Vargas new contact information.
- Added Sue Terzakis name to the list of recommended advocates, on the Advocates/Consultants web page.
- Update the Key Math link to the pulisher website and ran spell check on whole webpage on the Type of Tests web page.
- Updated the link to the Newton PAC Yahoo group link on our PACs in Mass web page.
- Added the Carlisle PAC to our PACs in Mass web page.
December, 2009
- Update our homepage, changed the photo on our website with a "snowmen snowflake" graphic.
November, 2009
October, 2009
- Update our homepage, changed the photo on our website to image of fall leaves.
- Updated the link and description to the Braintree website and added their Yahoo group to our PACs in Mass web page.
- On the "Which Test to use to learn if it's LD / Dyslexic / Dygraphia?" web page, changed the link to article on evaluating Dygraphia, to a PDF file, added Power Point presentation and book.
- Added a link to the new MA DOE, Technical Assistance Advisory SPED 2009-1, dated Sept 3, 2008, on "Transition Planning to Begin at Age 14" on the DOE documents web page and our homepage.
- Added "Managing Life Threatening Food Allergies in School Guide" (80 pages) in PDF format to our 504 web page.
- Added reference to the Allergies Treatments web page, to our 504 web page.
- Update the FCSN and graphic links on the Tool kit webpage.
- Added the time (7-9 pm) to Sudbury's College Planning presentation on our Calendar web page.
- Added link to the specialized programs and to the Tutors web page on the Executive Function webpage.
- Updated the Tutors index on the web page.
- Updated the link to the expanded and redesigned Wachusett SEPAC website on our PACs in Mass web page.
- Updated the link to the expanded and redesigned Needham SEPAC on our PACs in Mass web page.
- Updated the Lawyer webpage with Hilton, Sindelar& Hahn new address and contact information.
- Move our calendar information from our last school year 2007-2008 to Past Presentations web page.
- Updated the Reading web page, with the new locations of the reading articles: Catch Them Before They Fall - Identification and Assessment to Prevent Reading Failure in Young Children, by Joseph K. Torgesen, American Educator, Spring/Summer 1998 and Why Reading Is Not a Natural Process, by G. Reid Lyon, LDA Newsbriefs, Learning Disabilities Association of America (2000). LD Online changed the their location on their website.
- Added the October approved Meeting Minutes from PAC board meeting with our Special Education Director.
- Update Concord's 504 coordinator to Jessica Murphy (as of Sept. 2008), (Diana Rigby, Superintendent of our schools, used to be our Assistance Superintendent and she was our 504 coordinator) on our 504 web page.
- Added the date, time, location and description of the 'Estate planning for families and children with special needs presentation' on our Calendar web page.
September, 2009
- Update our homepage, changed the photo on our website with a "Back To School" graphic.
- Update our homepage, add a new section with the start dates for our schools.
- Created new webpage for our first Special Education Director Newsletter (Sept 2008)
- Updated the links on the DOE Report webpage, with the new link to other towns audit reports.
- Updated the link to the newly created Nashoba Regional SPED PAC website (expanded and redesigned) on our PACs in Mass web page.
- Updated the link and description to the Belmont BSEAC website and added their Yahoo group to our PACs in Mass web page.
- Updated the link to the newly created Weston SEPAC website (expanded and redesigned) on our PACs in Mass web page.
- Update our homepage, changed the photo on our website with a "Kids at the school bus windows" photo and link to our new school year PAC calendar.
- Update our homepage, to removed section with our school start dates (2 weeks into the new school year).
- Added our PAC Calendar webpage for this school year 2008-2009 PAC presentations and local conferences.
- Updated the wording on our Mission web page, and replaced special needs with disability.
Past changes to our web site: